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2018 Daniel H. Wagner Prize

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To be eligible for the Daniel H. Wagner Prize for Excellence in Operations Research Practice, applicants must submit:

  • A 3-4 page abstract in English that provides evidence of mathematical development, solution, unique new algorithm, or series of coherent advances developed in conjunction with an application.
  • Written verification of success in practice.
  • Written permission by the authors for publication of a previously unpublished, English-language paper in the INFORMS journal (Interfaces), and assignment of copyright to INFORMS.
  • Written commitment, if selected as finalists, to make a high quality, 30-minute presentation for The Practice Section at the 2018 INFORMS Annual Meeting in Phoenix, AZ. Written commitment, if selected as the winner, to reprise the winning presentation for The Practice Section at the INFORMS Conference on Business Analytics and Operations Research.

A judging committee will select semifinalists on the basis of the abstracts and verification of success in practice. Semifinalists will be invited to submit formal papers. The judging committee will select finalists, provide written comments by the committee, and invite them to submit final papers. INFORMS will schedule the public presentations of the final entries at the fall INFORMS Annual Meeting. Judges will select the winning entry on the basis of:

  • Utility or success of the work in one or more real world practice applications.
  • Quality and coherence of analysis and originality of mathematical solutions.
  • Quality and clarity of writing.
  • Quality and clarity of oral presentation.

The judging committee will announce the winner at award ceremonies at the same meeting, after the public presentations. The winner of the Daniel H. Wagner prize will then reprise their presentation at the spring INFORMS Analytics Conference. The committee will select semifinalists, finalists, and the winning entry at its sole discretion. All decisions are final.