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OR What? INFORMS Student Video Competition

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1.       The video contest is open only to student members of INFORMS. All participants must be paid student members.

2.       Students may submit a video on their own or as part of a group.

3.       Videos must not be more than two minutes in length.

4.       Videos should be submitted in AVI, MPEG or WMV, 720 or 1040 minimum resolution.

5.       Videos must be produced by students and be in good taste.

6.       Videos must be filmed in English or English subtitles must be provided.

7.       Don’t include any copyrighted material in your production. (Music, for example. Visit this site for resources offering free copyright-free and royalty-free images, music, and audio.)

8.       Entries must be submitted online no later than December 7, 2018.

9.       Entries will be judged by a diverse committee of INFORMS members, including members of the Student Affairs Committee.

10.   The first prize will be $1,500, second prize $1,000, and third prize $500. The contest committee may decide not to award all three prizes, depending on number of submissions and quality.

11.   Cash prizes will be awarded to the university department or student chapter of the participant(s), rather than to any individual student.

12.   Winning videos will serve as inspiration for a professionally produced video used to promote Operations Research and Analytics across various distribution channels. The INFORMS marketing department will manage production and promotion of the final video.

13.   Student videos may also be used for promotion in their original version, or an edited version, at the discretion of the INFORMS marketing department.

14.   All students involved in each video submission must agree to the statements on the Agreement & Release Form, and signal their agreement by signing the form and uploading it here.